In Matthew Chapter 25, we are told a sobering story about five bridesmaids who fail to keep oil in their lamps while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. Oil in Scripture often represents the Holy Spirit of God (e.g. 1 Samuel 16:13). Earlier in Chapter 7, we are told about people who will have done amazing [spiritual] things on God's behalf (i.e. spoken for God, performed exorcisms & miracles etc.), but nonetheless…when face to face with their Lord, they are rebuked and told to depart from Him. They are reprimanded for being “lawless” or in other words...disobeying God’s Torah (Instructions).
Question: What is the connection being made here between these two sections in the Gospel of Matthew?
Answer: It’s by God’s Truth (the lamp) that we know right from wrong and it’s by His Spirit (the oil) that we understand and are empowered to walk in obedience to those very commands (Psalm 119:105; Romans 8:1-8). When this process is carried out in beautiful balance, the light of Yehovah shines into this dark world. But in terms of shining light, what good is a lamp without oil or oil without a lamp. In either case, one will walk in darkness or without enlightenment. The enemies of Yehovah know this and I believe this is why saints are baited to cling to one side and condemn the other.
In conclusion, let us not fall for the bait of Satan which is accusation and condemnation. Let’s not look at our brother or sister comparatively to see how we are somehow better because we either live a life that looks more holy or on the other hand, seems more spiritual. Yehovah desires that His children be both! We should be spiritually minded and empowered AND also holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Again, these attributes are just "two sides of the same coin."
Additional References:
Matthew 7:21-23; 25: 1-13; John 8:12; 18:37; Ephesians 6:12; James 2:14-26; 4:11&12
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