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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October's IP2RR Challenge Winners!


Hannah R. - Springfield, MO

D'Carlo B. - Ava, MO

Shameka C. - Roanoke, VA

There was no IP2RR Top Recruiter this month to claim the $300 bonus prize which is to be awarded to the first IP2RR participant with 30 or more referrals to this blog, Facebook and/or Twitter. Additionally, there was $400 in unclaimed rewards for the Challenge Question.

Be sure to FOLLOW and "tune in" for next month's question on November 7th and BE READY FOR THE IP2RR CHALLENGE!!

Reminder/Hint: November's Challenge Question will be based on Chapter 3 of Rescuca: Savior of the Realm. Chapter 3 is entitled Chronicle of the Clan: History and Origins.

October IP2RR Challenge Question!! - CHAPTER TWO

October IP2RR Challenge Question!

Chapter 2 - COMPLETED

"For just as in connection with Adam all die, so in connection with the Messiah all will be made alive. But each in his own order: the Messiah is the firstfruits; then those who belong to the Messiah, at the time of his coming; then the culmination, when he hands over the Kingdom to God the Father, after having put an end to every rulership, yes, to every authority and power. For he has to rule until he puts all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be done away with will be... _______" - 1st Corinthians 15:23-26 CJB

~ QUESTION: Coded or decoded, who or what is the "Beast" from the Beyond? ~

To submit your answer: Use this post's comment option, the Contact Form, or the contact form at the bottom of this blog.

Listen to Rescuca: Savior of the Realm Audiobook Preview