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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Young BUCKS Club (YBC) of D/FW, Texas

B.U.C.K.S. stands for Building Up Christ's Kingdom as Saints. The YBC is a Christian discipleship program geared toward young men in the Dallas/Fort Worth area community. Its mission is to shape & instill godly character in young men who will then model God’s Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Club members (Young BUCKS) meet once a week for Bible Academy during the school year. During the summer, the YBC meets up for Kingdom and community service, followed by incentive trips called Fun & Fellowship. Club members must be committed & abide by an agreed upon Christian Code of Conduct.

The YBC is currently in an offseason. The Kingdom endeavors of the YBC are not only aimed at the Dallas-Fort Worth area but also the areas of the world affected as a result of their global awareness and outreach initiatives.

To view the YBC's past events, click on older posts.