A woman who will hook up with a man for $50 million is not somehow better than a woman who will hook up for just 50 bucks; a prostitute is a prostitute. Therefore, given the fact that time and money are both commodities, a woman who will hook up after knowing a man for only 5 minutes is no worse than a woman who will hook up after a man invests 5 weeks or even 5 years; whoredom is whoredom.
Point: One flesh relationships are for LIFE, period! This goes for women AND men. God said so (e.g. Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:8-9; Ephesians 5:31). We were made in His image and for greater purposes than mere animal instinct. Believe that, live that, and be blessed in the process!
Message by Joseph Solomon
This Can't Be
Video Created by D.L. Dunnaville
Song by PRo feat. Jenny Norlin