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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 4: July 17th & 18th

Week 4 was an "interesting" week! On paper, 9 BUCKS passed their tests and seemingly met the Learning Objective. However, it was discovered that a number of BUCKS had either... A) cheated OR B) concealed and withheld the knowledge their fellow BUCK had cheated. This discovery took place while on their Fun & Fellowship trip to the Dallas Zoo on the following day and therefore, there will be no Fun & Fellowship trip for Week 5 (July 25th). Instead, the BUCKS will have the grand "opportunity" to perform community service. From this, the BUCKS will hopefully learn:

 A) There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed (Matt 10:26)
 B) All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23)
 C) What the devil intends for evil, God uses for good (Rom 8:28)
 D) In Christ, there is forgiveness and redemption (Eph 1:7)

This week's Lecture & Learning was entitled "Life and Death." The BUCKS read 1 John 3:7-13 and discussed how living for the LORD and being a "child of God" leads to eternal life, but living for one's self and being a "child of the devil" leads to destruction.

As mentioned above, this week's Fun & Fellowship was a trip to the Dallas Zoo and despite the cheating ordeal, the BUCKS were treated to Burger King as a Kingdom gesture and reminder that...

"...God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" - Romans 5:8

The LAFF (Learning Assignment for the Following Fellowship) is to continue studying the Christian Commands found throughout the Gospel of Matthew (listed below). Week 5's Lecture and Learning will be a lesson on all 21 commands and a "study hall" will be held for Week 6's test (Christian Commands 1-15). There will not be a test in Week 5 as there will be no Fun and Fellowship incentive trip.

CHRISTIAN COMMANDS (In the Gospel According to Matthew)

 1. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near – Matt. 4:17
 2. Let Your Light Shine Before Men – Matt. 5:16
 3. Do Not Be Angry...With Your Brother – Matt. 5:22
 4. Be Reconciled To Your Brother – Matt 5:24
 5. Do Not Swear At All – Matt. 5:34
 6. Turn...the Other [Cheek] - Matt. 5:39
 7. Love Your Enemies - Matt. 5:44
 8. Do Not Store Up for Yourselves Treasures on Earth - Matt. 6:19
 9. Store Up for Yourselves Treasures in Heaven - Matt. 6:20
10. Seek First [God's] Kingdom - Matt. 6:33
11. Do Not Judge or You Too Will Be Judged - Matt. 7:1
12. Do to Others What You Would Have Them Do to You - Matt. 7:12
13. Enter through the Narrow Gate - Matt. 7:13
14. Watch Out for False Prophets - Matt. 7:15
15. Do Not Be Afraid of Those Who Kill the Body – Matt. 10:28a
16. Be Afraid of the One Who Can Destroy Both Body and Soul - Matt. 10:28b
17. Take My Yoke Upon You and Learn From Me - Matt. 11:29
18. Give To Caesar What is Caesar's  – Matt. 22:21a
19. Give to God What is God's - Matt. 22:21b
20. Go and Make Disciples of All the Nations – Matt. 28:19
21. [Teach] Them to Obey Everything I Have Commanded You - Matt. 28:20
MEMBERS: Again, feel free to print the material posted above to make it easier to study. For anyone who cannot print, a copy will be available upon request. Additionally, an audio recording of the lecture portion of each Tuesday meeting is also available to members and parents upon request. 

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