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The above quote is from the final chapter of Rescuca: Savior of the Realm. The Four Pillars mentioned here actually represent the Four Letters for the name of God, YHVH, and the speaker is referring to the power which comes from serving and submitting. The IT represents all that exists and we learn in this book that service and submission are the power lines through which all power flows within God’s creation.
It’s particularly the topic of submission which I want to discuss today. For many, the word “submission” brings to mind weakness and inferiority and this bad association gives way to fear and doubt. Because of negative things we see and hear, we question whether or not any authority can really be trusted and we begin to “lean on our own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5) rather than trusting the Word of God.
It’s for this very reason that Adam and Eve failed the very first submission test in human history and all of mankind came under a curse. Later, however, our faith-father Abraham passed his submission test and became the vessel through which all nations would be blessed. Moving forward in history, we see King Saul fail to fully submit his will to God and his authority was passed on to a young and submissive David; a man after God’s own heart who would do everything God wanted him to do (Acts 13:22). And we know that through this same David the Messiah Himself eventually came and displayed perfect submission; going as far as to wash the feet of His human creations and be crucified to set us free from the original curse. It’s by faith in His submission and sacrifice for us that we can be blessed with God’s Spirit, raised to life at the resurrection and inherit this [renewed] earth, just as Abraham was promised (Genesis 17, 22; Galatians 3:29). - Look at how POWERFUL submission is!
So how can we tap in to this amazing power and be blessed today? Well, the answer is in God's Word to us through His saints. Children are to honor & submit to their parents & be blessed (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:2). Wives are to submit to their husbands and unlock God's power in their homes and be blessed (Ephesians 5:22). Men and husbands are to submit to each other and the authorities placed over them in their lives by God and thereby release submission power into this entire world (1 Peter 2:13-17). To be successful in this effort though, we must first have our minds reprogrammed to see things God’s way. Isaiah 55:8 reads,
neither are your ways my ways, declares YHVH.”
In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul quotes Isaiah when he writes,
But we have the mind of the Messiah.
- 1 Corinthians 2:16”
The Messiah is our example and He is our key. Yeshua the Messiah came in the flesh making many things known to us that were completely contrary to the way mankind typically thinks. For example: Jesus taught that it’s better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35), that the humble will be exalted and the last shall be first. He taught that we are to repeatedly forgive our fellow person even when he repeatedly sins against us. Yeshua taught that the law was actually full of God’s mercy (Matthew 23:23) and that God’s law was made for man and not man for it (Mark 2:27). Most notably, Christ taught that in order to truly live, we must first die to ourselves. And it’s when this happens that His Spirit can come live in us and through us and we have His program renewing our minds each day. This is what the Apostle Paul was referring to in his letter to the church.
Now, with all of that being said, we must still be warned. The accuser, tester, and enemy of our souls also knows the power of submission and this is why all people are tempted just as the Messiah was tempted by Satan. We are tempted to question God’s perfect system and design. We are all tempted to say "My will be done" instead of "Thy will be done". We are tempted to dominate and rule over our fellow person rather than put him first, serve others, and submit to authority.
Fellow creations of God, let’s get with God's submission program so that His Kingdom may come and His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!
- Amen
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